Advice NI - Wiseradviser: Boost Your Own Development

Booking on Wiseradviser courses is a two stage process. Complete your details on the booking form by clicking on the Register button below. You will then get a confirmation email with a link to the Wiseradviser Learning Management Site. If this is your first time attending a Wiseradviser course you will also need to register as a user


Make the most of learning opportunities by discovering your personal learning style. This course offers lots of ideas and resources for money advisers. We all have a learning style and a learning preference and once you understand your own, not only can you use this information to your advantage but it will be easier for you to make the most of the various learning strategies available to you.

Understanding your learning style can help you in your work. It’s great to know why some things really excite and energise you, jumping at the chance to do it, and others things just don’t! Throughout the learning we will be looking at the: Honey and Mumford’s learning Styles, and the VARK learning preferences. This course will take one hour to complete.

Additional information

This course will take around 60 minutes to complete. 


Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced): Free