Advice NI - Wiseradviser: Introduction to Income Maximisation
Booking on Wiseradviser courses is a two stage process. Complete your details on the booking form by clicking on the Register button below. You will then get a confirmation email with a link to the Wiseradviser Learning Management Site.
An introduction to maximising your client's income.This course is an introduction to supporting clients through income maximisation in a thorough and systematic way. By the end of this course you will be able to identify:
- The key features of income maximisation and financial capability
- A range of income maximisation opportunities, high-level eligibility criteria, positive impacts and how to access these
- When someone may be entitled to a means-tested benefit or tax credit, and how to get an eligibility check
- Key qualifying conditions for non-means-tested benefits and how to signpost or refer clients for more advice on how to claim, and
- Other ways of increasing income and minimising expenditure that do not involve benefits or tax credits.
Additional information
This course will around 50 minutes to complete.
This course is worth 1 CPD Point under the NIAQS (Northern Ireland Advice Quality Standard) Scheme.
Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced): Free