Advice NI - Wiseradviser: Payday Loans

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Get the facts on this hot topic! Look at common problems that clients experience and how you can help them. This e-learning is aimed at experienced advisers looking to increase their knowledge in order to be able to explain good-practice strategies when dealing with payday loans. Key topics covered are the background of payday loans, current social issues, understanding how they are regulated, common problems encountered and knowing how best to advise a client. By the end of the training you will be able to correctly identify:

  • Distinguishing features of a payday loan and who a typical borrower might be
  • How payday loans are regulated
  • Alternative sources of low-level borrowing
  • What is meant by roll-over
  • Potential problems that a client unable to repay a payday loan may encounter
  • What a continuous payment authority is
  • When or where making a complaint may be appropriate.

Additional information

This course was updated in September 2015. This course will take around 60 minutes to complete. 


This course is worth 1 CPD point.


Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced): Free