AgeNI - Move More Live More
Age NI is offering an exciting new project aimed at supporting older people to live well for longer, with a focus on staying strong, agile and preventing falls: Move More Live More.
What is Move More Live More?
Move More Live More is about improving your activity levels, strength, balance and overall health and wellbeing to get the most out of later life. It aims to reduce falls in people aged over 65. A fall can affect our confidence, stop us doing the things we enjoy, or even impact our ability to live independently.
Health experts believe the vast majority of falls could be prevented with some fairly modest changes to our lifestyle. Move More Live More is here to show you how.
What's the aim of Move More Live More?
Age NI's programme aims to share information and activities aimed at preventing falls, so more older people can get the most out of later life.
What’s Involved?
All participants will receive a Move More Live More information guide from Age NI.
Some participants will be selected to join a six week online course (one hour a week on Zoom) combining expert advice on health and wellbeing, with physical activity aimed at building strength and balance and safely getting you moving a little more.
Each session features information presented by health experts, and a short movement session, designed specifically for older people. The experts say it’s never too late to start and all movement is good movement.
The six-week course is delivered using Zoom, and Age NI will support participants with using Zoom and getting online. All you need is access to email and the internet, via a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.
Move More Live More will support you to:
- Learn how falls are preventable
- Improve balance and feel stronger
- Move more and reduce the risk of falls
- Build confidence and motivation to get the most out of later life
Who is More More Live More for?
If you are aged over 65:
- anyone who is interested in learning more about how to stay strong and active and reduce the risk of falls;
- individuals who may have had a fall, or are noticing a change in strength or balance over the past year or feel they are slowing down;
- individuals who have had more than one fall and are worried about falling again.
Places are limited. Fill out this form to apply for Move More Live More: Apply Now.