British Nutrition Foundation - Early Years Nutrition Matters
This course will provide you with the basic nutrition knowledge and practical tools needed to support children aged 1 to 4 years to eat well.
The course consists of four short modules that aim to provide you with the basic nutrition knowledge and practical tools needed to support children aged 1 to 4 years to eat well. These modules will explore why nutrition in the early years is so important, what the current dietary and physical activity recommendations for young children are, why you need to consider special dietary requirements, and how you can put this knowledge into practice to meet the EYFS statutory framework.
Each module includes a short test, providing you with feedback on your progress. No previous nutrition knowledge is required. On successful completion of a final assessment, a personalised British Nutrition Foundation certificate will be created (the final assessment may be repeated).
This course will take approximately 90-120 minutes to complete. You can complete the course at your own pace and it does not need to be completed in one sitting - there is no time limit.
Why attend?
Why is this course beneficial to you?
- As someone who works with the early years, whether you are an early years practitioner, school nurse or child minder, you have a unique opportunity to help young children eat well and establish healthy eating habits for life.
- Too many young children are starting school overweight which can lead to problems throughout life - with your help this can be prevented.
- Encouraging children to enjoy eating a healthy, balanced diet and learn about food not only supports their health when they are young, but also sets the foundations for their future health and wellbeing.
- Having healthy eating practices and food provision in your setting will help give parents and carers confidence that you are providing high quality care and giving their child the best possible start in life.
- It will also help your setting meet the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework in supporting children to develop their knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy, which forms part of the Ofsted inspection.
- Cost- £30
- Where - Online