British Nutrition Foundation - Sport & Exercise Nutrition

This course will provide you with some information about sport and exercise nutrition – no previous nutrition knowledge required!


This course covers: 

  • Module 1: Introduction to nutrition and energy
  • Module 2: Carbohydrate, protein and fat
  • Module 3: Hydration and supplements

The course starts by looking at the UK's healthy eating guidelines and discussing the link between diet and health. This first module also looks at the importance of energy for those who are physically active, including looking at those who are trying to lose weight. The second module looks at carbohydrate, protein and fat looking at the importance of each in the diet, the recommendations and some examples of foods which contain each macronutrient. The third module looks at hydration and supplementation, discussing the importance of hydration, especially in those who are physically active, and whether we need to be supplementing.

Each module includes a short test, providing you with feedback on your progress. No previous nutrition knowledge is required.

On successful completion of a final assessment, a personalised BNF certificate will be created (The final assessment may be repeated). 

This course will take approximately 120 minutes to complete – ideal for lunchtime learning! You can complete the course at your own pace – there is no time limit.

The information provided within this course is based on Government advice and recommendations in place at the time of course development. 


  • Cost - £65
  • Where - Online


Service Cost: 
Duration of service: 
2 hours