Cancer Focus NI - Thrive

Thrive is a community and safe space for younger women to connect with and support each other. We also offer a 6-session peer support group for younger women who have had a breast cancer diagnosis and are ready to begin to ‘Thrive’ again. The sessions run once a week for 6 weeks and are led by a Cancer Focus NI facilitator with an emphasis on Health and Wellbeing.

The programme is packed with tools and techniques to help you reflect on where you are now and how you might want to move forward in a positive way. It will provide a safe space for you to share your story, if you feel comfortable doing so, with other women who have had similar experiences to you.

Sessions will include:

  • Goal setting
  • Exploration of common emotions
  • Managing different types of thinking
  • Managing stress and boundaries
  • Values and needs recognition
  • Consideration of physical health

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, they may experience feelings of shock, anger, or confusion. Even the most supportive family members, friends, or employers cannot understand exactly how it feels to go through a cancer journey.

A programme like this is one way for individuals to interact with other people in similar circumstances.