Cancer Focus NI - Writing For Life

Writing is well-known to have therapeutic benefits – it gives you a voice and a way of expressing your experience of cancer. Our writing groups are places of mutual support and encouragement, and can help relieve worry and stress. Creative writing can take many different forms and draws on all aspects of your experience and imagination for inspiration. This service includes:

Creative Writing Group

Our Creative Writing Group looks at a different form or approach to writing such as writing from observation, using experience, poetry or short stories. You are free to choose to write about your own experiences or to write creatively and use your imagination.

Our team leaders help create a relaxing, supportive group to help you develop your writing form and voice, while also giving you the opportunity for more personal writing and expression. No previous writing experience is necessary and the groups are open to both patients and carers.

Eglantine Scribblers

This is an open creative writing group which meets regularly in Cancer Focus NI’s service centre at Eglantine Avenue, Belfast. Group members have all completed an initial creative writing course and want to continue writing together in a supportive environment.

For more information call us on 9066 3281 or email