Cancer Focus NI - Zest For Life

Zest for Life is a free 6-week programme led by a Cancer Focus NI facilitator. The course is designed for people who are on a survival and recovery period in their cancer journey. Zest for Life will explore personal development and there will be a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing, as well as making lifestyle adjustments to improve physical and mental health.

Sessions will include:

  • Goal setting
  • Understanding and managing stress
  • Identifying personal values and needs
  • Developing strategies to have these needs met
  • Using techniques to encourage positive thinking
  • Relaxation techniques

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, they may experience feelings of shock, anger, or confusion. Even the most supportive family members, friends, or employers cannot understand exactly how it feels to go through a cancer journey.

A cancer support programme is one way for individuals to interact with other people in similar circumstances.