Friends of Suicide Loss - Support Group For Suicide Bereavement
FOSL Bereavement Support Group provides the opportunity for its members to meet and engage with fellow survivors in a warm, safe and comforting environment that is supportive and non-judgemental and the opportunity to participate in group work which international research has shown to be the two most helpful activities for suicide loss survivors.
We facilitate closed and open support groups weekly and monthly with no pressure to fix or find solutions. We are here to support you, the bereaved, for as long as you feel you need support.
FOSL plays an educational role by conducting national and international research with other bodies continuously so as to provide up to date information on the grief process and facts relating to suicide and its effects on families, individuals and society at large.
We accommodate all groups over 18 years of age who are suicide bereaved in an environment of confidentiality. FOSL provides a safe place for members to share and the support groups are totally focused on the needs of each individual. If you have lost someone through suicide and need support, please Contact Us.