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NICHS - Family Support Service

We understand that a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, or suffering a heart attack or stroke affects the whole family, not just the person affected. Our Family Support Co-ordinators are here to help you and your family as you navigate life with a chest, heart or stroke condition. We always take the time to listen and understand your particular set of circumstances, so we can offer the personalised advice and support that you need.

This support is both practical and emotional support, is available for you and any members of your family, and there is no time limit to this service. Regardless of when you were diagnosed with a condition our Family Support team can help you to understand your condition better and help you to overcome any barriers you may be facing. We are on your side and just a phone call away.

You will receive an initial phone call assessment or home visit, ensuring that we can create the very best support plan for you.

Our support includes:

  • Information and advice on living life with a heart condition or caring for someone with a chest, heart or stroke condition
  • A listening ear and emotional support
  • Signposting to other local services
  • A key point of contact for you and your family
  • Fast-track Referral to Advice Space for support with benefits
  • Support in liaising with your healthcare professionals

Click here to make a referral