Cervical Screening Awareness Week
14 June, 2021 (All day) to 20 June, 2021 (All day)

Did you know cervical screening (a smear test) looks for HPV, the human papillomavirus?

If you've been invited for cervical screening you might have heard about HPV. Maybe you saw it on your invitation letter, or perhaps those three letters appeared on your results.

If you don’t know what it is, you’re far from alone. HPV is the topic we hear about the most through our support services, with callers who are confused, anxious and upset about what it means to have HPV. For lots, the first time they even saw the word was in their results.

Cervical screening and waiting for results can be difficult, if you don't have the facts or know where to find support, it can be even harder.

Five million women and people with a cervix are invited for screening every year. We don’t want anyone to be in the dark - can you help get the facts out there?

Join us during Cervical Screening Awareness Week to help:

  • Reduce confusion about HPV
  • De-mystify cervical screening results
  • Shout about the importance of cervical screening

Get involved

We want every woman and person with a cervix to know where they can get information and support about cervical screening and we need your help to do so! It’s really easy to get involved and there are lots of ways you can do so, from supporting on social media to getting your workplace involved. If you are involved in delivering screening then we have lots of ideas for you too.

For now, save the date and let other people know about the campaign! 14-20 June 2021 is #CervicalScreeningAwarenessWeek, join @JoTrust to share tips and support about #CervicalScreening and reduce the confusion about HPV: jostrust.org.uk/csaw.