1 January, 2022 (All day) to 31 January, 2022 (All day)

Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. During the 2021 campaign, more than 500,000 people took our pledge to try a vegan diet, while more than 825 new vegan products and menu options were launched in our key campaign countries.

Throughout the year, Veganuary encourages and supports people and businesses alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering, and improving the health of millions of people.

Our four aims

Increasing participation

We inspire people all over the world to try a vegan diet in January and beyond through our 31-day pledge. Millions of people from all around the world have taken part since we began in 2014, but we are aiming for a fully vegan world!

Corporate outreach

We drive corporate change through work with brands, restaurants, and supermarkets and help them to create, launch, and promote new vegan items, particularly in January but also year-round.

Raising awareness

We raise awareness of animal suffering on farms and at slaughter, and all the reasons for a vegan diet, through media engagement, creative marketing strategies and campaigning.

Growing the global movement

We want to create an international mass movement of people that take collective action in January to change the world for the better.

Click here for more information.