New Year Reset with Vital Nutrition
Vital Nutrition’s New Year Reset is a 4-week course that will get you back into a healthy routine with a fresh start this New Year!
What's it all about?
1.Goal setting - Getting the foundations in place - Looking at weight, stress/anxiety, avoiding and recovering from burn out, adrenal fatigue, the importance of time-out
2. Energy gains and energy drains - Low GI diet, intermittent fasting, creating good habits, crush your cravings -Getting organised to save you time, effort and money
3. Adrenal stress & fatigue - What can you do? Energy fixes and advice
4. Momentum – let’s move forward! - Health coaching session & evaluation
Jane will be joining us every week over four weeks on the below dates and times:
- 11th January 2022 from 12noon – 1pm
- 18th January 2022 from 12noon – 1pm
- 25th January 2022 from 12noon – 1pm
- 01st February 2022 from 12noon – 1pm
To register for these sessions see to the right