CONNECTIONS LINK LIFE: Suicide Prevention Awareness
9 September, 2022 - 09:30

CONNECTIONS LINK LIFE: Suicide Prevention Awareness

Friday 9 September 2022 - 9.30am - 1.00pm

This training will be facilitated and delivered by Jim Weir and Lucy Moore, Assistant Advisory Officers from the Critical Incident/Emotional Health and Wellbeing team in CYPS.

The training will cover:-

  • Contributing factors that lead to poor mental health, emotional distress & suicide prevention awareness
  • Understanding the role of mental health and emotions in relation to suicide prevention awareness
  • Connect 4-Way Model for helping persons experiencing emotional distress or suicide
  • Tools & resources for support in your community
  • The role of self-care and wellbeing in fortifying mental health and preventing suicide

For more information regarding Connections Link Life please see the attached flyer below.

This online training course is for:

Participation & Readiness:

We ask that you are emotionally ready for suicide prevention awareness training and understand how to participate;

  • Suicide prevention awareness training is potentially triggering
  • Be confident in your ability to cope with the content of the training
  • Take steps to keep yourself emotionally safe during training
  • Best practice advises that people who have been bereaved by suicide or by any other traumatic death within the last 6 months, should not attend
  • It is important that you click to read and understand the *HOW TO PARTICIPATE GROUP AGREEMENT*(link is external)

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis.

To join Jim and Lucy for this 3.5 hour interactive webinar and access suicide prevention awareness and emotional health education please click on the link below and book your ticket today.

To Register Click Link:

Who should people contact regarding the event?: