Cancer Focus NI - E-cigarette/Vaping Training Available
20 June, 2023 - 11:30

In consideration of NICE Guideline NG209 “Tobacco: Preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence” and in recognition of the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes in Northern Ireland, PHA would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend face to face training facilitated by Cancer Focus NI.

They have recognised that people may now be attending stop smoking services and presenting as dual users of both traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes or have chosen to use an e-cigarette in an attempt to quit completely. It is important to respond to the changing needs of our population and that service providers are enabled to continue delivering the excellent services that have been established to date.

Please see details enclosed with training available in June, with additional dates to follow.

Other professionals outside of stop smoking services may wish to attend and you are welcome to do so if you consider this topic of relevance to the people you care for/ interact with and the service you provide.

Who should people contact regarding the event?: 