International Men’s Health Week
10 June, 2024 (All day) to 16 June, 2024 (All day)

Males constitute almost 50% of the population on the island of Ireland and, therefore, deserve to have a gender lens focused upon their specific health needs.  Research also shows that men experience a high burden of ill-health and die too young. Their poorer lifestyles are responsible for a high proportion of chronic diseases and men’s late presentation to health services can lead to a large number of problems becoming untreatable.

This high level of premature mortality and illness amongst men has wide-reaching repercussions, but this is not a lost cause.  Much can be – and is being – done to improve this situation.  International Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2024 (Monday 10th – Sunday 16th June) offers an ideal opportunity for everyone in Ireland to make positive changes. MHW always begins on the Monday before Father’s Day and ends on Father’s Day itself. It is funded by HSE Health & Wellbeing and the Public Health Agency and coordinated by the Men’s Health Forum Ireland (MHFI) with support from over 95 partner organisations. It is celebrated in many European countries, as well as in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and a number of places worldwide.

The overall aims of MHW are to:
  • Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.
  • Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.
  • Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.

During 2024, the MHW theme for Ireland will be ‘Know your Numbers’ and the key message to everyone is that ‘men’s health counts.’ This is a population-wide attempt to increase awareness of the key numbers that policy makers, service providers, men and important people in men’s lives need to know. Sometimes, these relate to medical issues (e.g. blood pressure), but they also need to include key statistics on the state of men’s health (or ill health) in Ireland, as well as the contact numbers for helpline and support services that can maintain men’s health.

The Men's Health Forum in Ireland have put together 10 Top Tips for Men's Health - Action Man