World Suicide Prevention Day
10 September, 2024 (All day)

Suicide is a major public health problem with far-reaching social, emotional and economic consequences. It is estimated that there are currently more than 700000 suicides per year worldwide, and we know that each suicide profoundly affects many more people.

World Suicide Prevention Day is on 10th September.

How to start a conversation with someone

Just being there to listen and showing you care can help. Here are some tips on how to open up a conversation with someone you’re worried about: 

  • Choose a good time, and somewhere without distractions
  • Use open questions that need more than a yes/no answer
  • ‘How are things, I’ve noticed you don’t seem quite yourself?’
  • Listen well. ‘How’s that making you feel?’
  • Avoid giving your view of what’s wrong, or what they should do

It's normal to feel anxious about asking someone if they’re suicidal, but it could save someone's life. Try and avoid saying things like ‘you’re not thinking of doing something stupid are you?’. Being patient and showing you care builds trust and helps someone to open up.

To learn more and to support WSPD, please click here.