Sexual Health Week
Sexual Health Week (10-16 February) provides an opportunity to raise awarness about sexual health. This year’s theme Open conversations invites individuals and organisations to take part in meaningful discussions to eliminate stigma, empower people to make informed choices, and promote healthy relationships.
Good sexual health is about having safe, positive and respectful experiences and relationships throughout life. To do this, we all need to be able to have open, age appropriate conversations. Talking about sex and sexual wellbeing can help establish healthy relationships due to the confidence that comes from being informed.
Speaking about issues such as consent, choice and respect, health and wellbeing can help people recognise these are rights we all share in common.
Frances Dowds, Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager at the PHA, said: “Your sexual health and wellbeing is important and looking after it can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health and help you develop positive relationships.
“Sexual health involves embracing and enjoying our sexuality throughout life, with a positive, safe and respectful approach to sexual experiences and relationships. Talking about sex and being informed, gives you the confidence to make decisions about your own body and what is right for you.
“As adults it’s important to talk openly and accurately about sexual health, so that we can support our young people to recognise they have the right to do so too. This will help to dispel myths and challenge the stigma that exists. It will also support our young people to have the conversations they need to help them make informed choices.”
Let’s talk about sex
- Consent – always trust your instinct and be empowered to say ‘No’ to anything or any situation you are uncomfortable with.
- Contraception – there are lots of different types of contraceptives available to help prevent unplanned pregnancy, what works best will depend on what matters to you.
- Protection – if you are sexually active, it is important to help protect yourself. Only condoms protect against STIs.
- Testing – get to know about STIs and get tested if you have been at risk.
The PHA has information on all aspects of sexual health and wellbeing including information on contraceptive options and how to prevent STIs at
Find out about events, workshops happening during the Sexual Health Week:
Date | Organiser | Activity |
Monday10 February | Informing Choices | Let’s Talk About…Pregnancy LossThe event is being held in Parliament Buildings and is for MLAs and their staff.Please follow the link for more details on the event |
Tuesday11 February5pm-8pm | Rainbow Project NI | Rapid HIV & Syphilis Testing Clinic, Tuesday 11th February 5-8PM in the ‘Community Space’ of the Belfast LGBT Centre (23-31 Waring Street, Belfast, BT1 2DX) available for MSM, gay & bisexual men, and trans or non-binary people. |
Wednesday12 February12-6pm | Rainbow Project NI | Rapid HIV & Syphilis Testing Clinic, Wednesday 12th February 12-6PM at the Belfast Trans Resource Centre (98 University St, Belfast BT7 1HE) specifically for trans, non-binary & intersex individuals |
Friday14 February | Informing Choices | Let’s Talk About…‘The Talk’The event on 14 February will be held in Derry and is for individuals with a learning disability and autistic people, as well as their parents and supporting professionals.Please follow the link for more details on the event. |
Wednesday19 February10am – 2pm(Face to face) | SEHSCT | SET GUM Services, Sexual & Reproductive Service and Specialist Homeless Service and Community Health Development Practitioner supporting youth health advice providing Awareness of Healthy Relationships, signposting and advice Re: STI/Pregnancy testing at Mobile Health Hub – SERC – Downpatrick Campus |
Wednesday19 February7pm – 8.30pm (Virtual) | SEHSCT | Developing a Safety First CultureGuest Speak: Jim Gamble CEO Ineqe Safeguarding Group at Royal College of Nursing Sexual Health Network & Children’s Network Seminar |