RNID - Helpline

Telephone: 0808 808 0123, Text phone: 0808 808 9000.

Provides information and support on all issues relating to deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss.

Royal Osteoporosis Society - Helpline

0808 800 0035

The service is provided by: Nurses with specialist knowledge of osteoporosis and bone health, Helpline Support Officers, who can discuss the different ways the charity can support you.

Safefood - Helpline

ROI 0818 404 567, NI 0800 085 1683

Get support and guidance on food safety and hygiene.


116 123

Every day, Samaritans volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help. We’re here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, we’re taking action to prevent the crisis.

We give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. And we encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.

We offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.


116 123

Whatever you're going through, call us free any time, from any phone, on 116 123

We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you.

We won't judge you or tell you what to do, we'll listen to you.


0800 0502020

At Stonewall, we stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be ourselves and can live our lives to the full.

The Rainbow Project

028 9031 9030

The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people in Northern Ireland.

We are the foremost LGB&T organisation in Northern Ireland and have two centres: one in Belfast city centre and the other in Foyle, L’Derry.

Versus Arthritis - Helpline

0800 5200 520

You don’t need to face arthritis alone. Their advisers aim to bring all of the information and advice about arthritis into one place to provide tailored support for you.

Women's Aid - Domestic abuse helpline

0808 2000 247

The helpline is answered by fully trained female support workers and volunteers, who will answer your call in confidence. All calls to the domestic violence helpline are free from mobiles and landlines. They can support survivors of domestic abuse, friends and families, and professionals who are in contact with domestic violence survivors.

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