Skin Health
The skin is the largest organ in your body. It protects all your other organs from the external environment. Healthy, youthful skin is at the top of many wish lists. The majority of us are born with healthy, supple skin. As we age, our skin becomes less able to cope with everyday wear and tear.
Good skin is partly due to our genes. But the great news is that there is lots we can do to keep our skin looking its best and help our skin function at its healthiest as we age.
As you age, your skin undergoes “wear and tear” in response to the elements. In particular, damage from sun exposure, also known as photoaging, causes wrinkles, lines, brown spots, dry skin, and even skin cancer, making sun protection vital. Over the years, everyday stresses and exposures also can alter your skin’s tone, texture, and contour.
This is why proper skin care is so crucial. Take care of your skin, and it will take care of you. A daily skin care routine is the foundation for keeping skin protected and healthy. It includes properly cleaning the skin and using skin care products like suncream and moisturisers. It is also crucially important to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet to maintain healthy skin.
To learn more about some common skin conditions, please see the drop-down Articles on the right hand-side.