Cancer Experiences - Your views matter



Action Cancer are asking those in Northern Ireland affected by cancer, either through being diagnosed, or through a loved one’s diagnosis, about their cancer journey experiences.

They want to engage with as many people as possible to gain a wider understanding of the experiences people have had. They hope to use this information to inform our service provision, help develop improved integration of services across organisations and communities and also feedback our findings to those within statutory organisations in Northern Ireland who have a role/responsibility to impact on care.

The survey covers a range of different phases people may go through when diagnosed with cancer – just diagnosed, during treatment, living with ongoing maintenance treatment, finished treatment – and it asks about satisfaction levels with your experience of a variety of factors at each phase. You would only complete the sections within the survey that are appropriate to you.

The survey is anonymous – we do not require names and can take around 10-25mins to complete, depending on how many sections are relevant.

If you or someone you know can help, you can complete the survey here:


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