Treatments For Eczema


Treatments for atopic eczema can help to ease the symptoms. There's no cure, but many children find their symptoms naturally improve as they get older. The main treatments for atopic eczema are:

  • emollients (moisturisers) – used every day to stop the skin becoming dry
  • topical corticosteroids – creams and ointments used to reduce swelling and redness during flare-ups

Other treatments include:

  • topical pimecrolimus or tacrolimus for eczema in sensitive sites not responding to simpler treatment
  • antihistamines for severe itching
  • bandages or special body suits to allow the body to heal underneath
  • more powerful treatments offered by a dermatologist (skin specialist)

The various treatments for atopic eczema are outlined on this page.

Self care

As well as the treatments mentioned above, there are things you can do yourself to help ease your symptoms and prevent further problems. 

Try to reduce the damage from scratching

Eczema is often itchy, and it can be very tempting to scratch the affected areas of skin. But scratching usually damages the skin, which can itself cause more eczema to occur. The skin eventually thickens into leathery areas as a result of chronic scratching.

Deep scratching also causes bleeding and increases the risk of your skin becoming infected or scarred. Try to reduce scratching whenever possible. You could try gently rubbing your skin with your fingers instead.

Avoid triggers

A GP will work with you to establish what might trigger the eczema flare-ups, although it may get better or worse for no obvious reason. Once you know your triggers, you can try to avoid them.  For example:

  • if certain fabrics irritate your skin, avoid wearing these and stick to soft, fine-weave clothing or natural materials such as cotton
  • if heat aggravates your eczema, keep the rooms in your home cool, especially the bedroom
  • avoid using soaps or detergents that may affect your skin – use soap substitutes instead

Although some people with eczema are allergic to house dust mites, trying to rid your home of them is not recommended as it can be difficult and there's no clear evidence that it helps.

Dietary changes

Some foods, such as eggs and cows' milk, can trigger eczema symptoms. But you should not make significant changes to your diet without first speaking to a GP.

It may not be healthy to cut these foods from your diet, especially in young children who need the calcium, calories and protein from these foods. If a GP suspects a food allergy, you may be referred to a dietitian (a specialist in diet and nutrition). They can help to work out a way to avoid the food you're allergic to while ensuring you still get all the nutrition you need.


Emollients are moisturising treatments applied directly to the skin to reduce water loss and cover it with a protective film. They're often used to help manage dry or scaly skin conditions, such as atopic eczema.

They can make the skin feel less dry and can help reduce the number of flare-ups you have. If you have mild eczema, talk to a pharmacist for advice on emollients. If you have moderate or severe eczema, talk to a GP.

Choosing an emollient

Several different emollients are available. Talk to a pharmacist for advice on which emollient to use. You may need to try a few to find one that works for you. You may also be advised to use a mix of emollients, such as:

  • an ointment for very dry skin
  • a cream or lotion for red and inflamed skin
  • an emollient to use instead of soap
  • an emollient to use on your face and hands, and a different one to use on your body

The best emollient is the one you feel happy using every day.

How to use emollients

Use your emollient all the time, even if you're not experiencing symptoms. Many people find it helpful to keep separate supplies of emollients at work or school, or a tub in the bathroom and one in a living area. To apply the emollient:

  • use a large amount
  • do not rub it in – smooth it into the skin in the same direction the hair grows
  • after a bath or shower, gently pat the skin dry and apply the emollient while the skin is still moist to keep the moisture in

You should use an emollient at least twice a day if you can, or more often if you have very dry skin. During a flare-up, apply generous amounts of emollient more frequently, but remember to treat inflamed skin with a topical corticosteroid as emollients used on their own are not enough to control it.

Topical corticosteroids

If your skin is sore and inflamed, a GP may prescribe a topical corticosteroid (applied directly to your skin), which can reduce the inflammation within a few days. Topical corticosteroids can be prescribed in different strengths, depending on the severity of your atopic eczema and the areas of skin affected.

If you need to use corticosteroids frequently, see a GP regularly so they can check the treatment is working effectively and you're using the right amount. In some cases, they may also cause:

  • thinning of the skin – especially if the strong steroids are used in the wrong places, such as the face, for too long (for example, several weeks)
  • changes in skin colour – usually, skin lightening after many months of using very strong steroids, but most lightening after eczema is a "footprint" of old inflammation and nothing to do with treatments
  • acne (spots) – especially when used on the face in teenagers
  • increased hair growth

Most of these side effects will improve once treatment stops.  You should be prescribed the weakest effective treatment to control your symptoms. Speak to your GP if you have concerns about any side effects.


Antihistamines are a type of medicine that block the effects of a substance in the blood called histamine. They can help relieve the itching associated with atopic eczema. They can either be sedating, which cause drowsiness, or non-sedating.

Sedating antihistamines can cause drowsiness into the following day, so it may be helpful to let your child's school know they may not be as alert as normal.

Bandages and wet wraps

In some cases, a GP may prescribe medicated bandages, clothing or wet wraps to wear over areas of skin affected by eczema.

These can either be used over emollients or with topical corticosteroids to prevent scratching, allow the skin underneath to heal, and stop the skin drying out.

Corticosteroid tablets

Corticosteroid tablets are rarely used to treat atopic eczema nowadays, but may occasionally be prescribed for short periods of 5 to 7 days to help bring particularly severe flare-ups under control. Longer courses of treatment are generally avoided because of the risk of potentially serious side effects.

Seeing a specialist

In some cases, a GP may refer you to a specialist in treating skin conditions (dermatologist). You may be referred if:

  • a GP is not sure what type of eczema you have
  • normal treatment is not controlling your eczema
  • your eczema is affecting your daily life
  • it's not clear what's causing it