Digital Wellbeing
16 September, 2021 - 10:00

The aim of this seminar is to raise awareness of daily digital habits and how it affects physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It helps users to identify how often they use digital technology and the impact it has on their day to day lives including sleep. It provides tools to help you achieve your own personal sense of digital wellbeing.

The seminar will provide information on the following:

¨ What is digital wellbeing.

¨ Get a view of your daily digital habits.

¨ How to stay focused

¨ Setting daily limits & customising notifications to avoid distractions.

¨ Digital effects on sleep and mental health.

¨ Maintaining healthy digital relationships.

Dates: Thursday 16 September

Time: 10.00am – 11.30am

Click link to register:-