Áine-Máire O’Neill
Is mise Áine-Máire, I joined the EA in 2022 after spending over 20 happy years in Irish Medium primary schools.
I’m not outdoorsy I’m outsidesy, by that I mean I would prefer to dine alfresco beneath a mountain as opposed to climb it, and, I would definitely pick dandering around a lake over racing around it. I find meditation hard, I like to relax by listening to tunes and scribbling. I do not like writing pen portraits. Swimming is the one sport I enjoy participating in. Mostly, I love to read stories, hear stories and tell stories. I enjoy having the craic and hearing other people’s news.
Connecting to others honestly, compassionately, and respectfully is something I try to do and I value this in others. I know little and realise I can learn lots from others, be they old, young or somewhere in between. Equity, community and wellbeing are very important to me.