Bronagh Corry
Hi there, my name is Bronagh Corry and I am a member of the Literacy Service since September 2016.
Health & Wellbeing became a major focus in my life following a diagnosis of cancer 11 years ago. Since then I try to do what I can to look after my physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Since July 2019 I have been living with a secondary diagnosis and attend hospital on a regular basis to receive treatemtent. My family and I have been lucky to benefit from the support of the NI Cancer Fund for Children, our local community and our family and friends.
To relax I love to read but tend to listen to audiobooks more often these days. I took up Crocheting during lockdown – and find it very relaxing and mindful.
I like to think I have a positive outlook on life and where possible promote the EA Health & Wellbeing Hub and all the wonderful resources, news and events on offer. I always try to end my day with something from the TEAMs Viva Insights Wellbeing Dashboard – a 1 minute breather or the 3 minute focus.
Remember, self-care is not selfish, you cannot pour from an empty cup.