Money Guiders NI Network

The Money Guiders network in Northern Ireland is run by Reed in Partnership and fully funded by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), and holds regular online events, facilitates a peer-support network through its Pathfinder Clinics and provides opportunities to learn new skills and develop existing ones.

But how do you know if the Money Guiders network is right for you? Well, if your job or your volunteer role means people share their financial difficulties with you and sometimes ask you for advice, then that makes you a Money Guider. You don’t have to be an expert on financial issues or a monetary whizz-kid; anyone who speaks to people about their money worries or even signposts them to other organisations for help provides money guidance and will benefit from joining the network and coming along to our future events.

The network is an open and inclusive space, so we welcome people from all parts of the third, voluntary and public sectors; you may be a housing officer, energy advisor, or in a volunteer role where you are in touch with people who have money worries. We want to reach as many people as possible; even if money guidance is just a very small part of what you do.

Everyone is welcome to join, but we also want to hear from you about the kind of events that you want to see. We want to make sure our network remains relevant, reflecting what is affecting communities around the country.

You can find out more about how to get involved at and join the mailing list. 

We are also on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and anyone can sign up to Money Guiders NI network events to get a taste of the kind of support we provide to the Money Guiders community: Reed in Partnership - Money Guiders Events | Eventbrite