0808 8010 722

Parenting Focus

Parenting Focus established in 1979, as the Parents Advice Centre and then Parenting NI, provides free support for parents across Northern Ireland. Parenting Focus provides a Freephone Support Line and other regional services, initially delivered by volunteers and now by trained staff, has helped thousands of parents, grandparents and others in a parenting role for over 4 decades.

Parenting Focus is committed to supporting all parents and ensuring that their voices are heard whenever decisions are made that will affect them. 

Wellbeing activity ideas and services

Parenting NI can deliver a range of 12 needs-led Employee Wellbeing Seminars to parent...
The Parenting Apart Programme is aimed at parents who have separated, are separating,...
The teenage years can be notoriously challenging but this programme can help you navigate...
The Parenting Children’s Challenging Behaviour programme will: Help parents understand...
Anger is a normal emotion, which most parents experience on a regular basis. It is often...
The Dads Project supports dads in Northern Ireland who are separating, separated or...
Families Together is a partnership project between Parenting NI and New Life Counselling...
This programme provides parents with a greater awareness of mental health issues and...
This programme aims to provide parents with the skills to achieve a calmer and violent...

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Parenting Focus Free support line