Action Mental Health - Eating Disorders Support

AMH EveryBODY aims to promote greater understanding and awareness of eating disorders. We have adopted a recovery approach to provide help and support to people with eating disorders and also to their friends and family. We also advocate and lobby on their behalf, for specialist services.

While over 700,000 women and men in the UK have a diagnosed eating disorder at any one time, research suggests that this number vastly underestimates the true size of the problem in the UK. Estimates suggest that up to 80% of individuals who screen positively for having an eating disorder have never accessed help or support.

AMH EveryBODY aims to create greater awareness of eating disorders, reduce stigma and provide much needed support to both the person affected, their family and friends.

What are eating disorders?

  • Eating Disorders are not primarily about food and weight
  • People can and DO recover
  • Eating Disorders can affect anyone of any age, gender or background

Although an eating disorder is a complex mental health condition, it is, in its simplest form, about using food as an emotional tool. For the person with an eating disorder,controlling food and their body is a way of relieving distress or managing their emotions while achieving some degree of control over their life. Their eating disorder provides them with a sense of safety.

Eating disorders in particular are highly stigmatised, with people commonly dismissing the condition as a ‘diet fad’, a ploy for attention, or simply as ‘normal’ behaviour. But an eating disorder is not a lifestyle choice, it a serious mental health condition.

Research suggests that as many as 1 in 20 people will develop an eating disorder over their lifetime. It is important therefore, that we raise awareness of this mental health condition throughout our community and provide much needed support and training within this area of mental health.

How can AMH EveryBODY help?

We offer training programmes to support awareness raising, increase knowledge of eating disorders and promote early intervention and pathways to appropriate support. Programmes are offered to post-primary schools, youth and community groups and health professionals.

AMH EveryBODY provides support and information to people with eating disorders as well as their family and friends. We will ensure that individuals are signposted to support services, as appropriate e.g. GP, Specialist Eating Disorder services, community/voluntary services.

Information on eating disorders and health promotion is available. Contact us through the website or on 028 3839 2314 for further information.

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