BDA Work Ready - Gut Health

We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy, focus and how we deal with stress at work.

Work Ready workshops and webinars can be delivered online or face-to-face. They start with a myth busting quiz to sort fact from fiction. Then we give tips on food groups and meal times. This supports better nutrition, moving more and stress management for healthier working lives. Everyone gets a factsheet to identify small changes for their personal lifestyle. Staff can then use this knowledge to make changes. These are thorough and fun interventions for employee wellbeing.

Gut health

Practical food based tips for a happy, healthy digestion. Join us for a fascinating journey along the human gut. Learn how the digestive system influences our physical and mental wellbeing. Leave with practical food-based tips for a happy, healthy digestion.

Book a workshop

To book a workshop for your organisation get in touch with us via the form below:

Contact service provider for more information

If the activity occurs during work hours and/or uses work resources, please make sure you have permission from your line manager.
Information provided when you complete the above form will be shared with the service provider to help them respond to your interest. You can withdraw your interest by contacting the service provider. You can learn more about how we handle information by clicking here.