BDA Work Ready - Workplace Health & Nutrition Check

Your Work Ready dietitian will visit your organisation. They will ask what you want, see what you need and deliver a tailored Work Ready programme. In the visit your dietitian will:

  • understand the workers and the work environment
  • do an needs assessment with your workers
  • review your existing workplace health programme
  • meet with the occupational health or health and well-being staff
  • speak to staff champions (if you have them)
  • look at food and drink provision
  • read your policies which impact on wellbeing

After the visit they will design and deliver your unique Work Ready programme.

Find out more

To book a Work Ready dietitian to asses your workplace needs, or to find out more information, fill out the form below:

Contact service provider for more information

If the activity occurs during work hours and/or uses work resources, please make sure you have permission from your line manager.
Information provided when you complete the above form will be shared with the service provider to help them respond to your interest. You can withdraw your interest by contacting the service provider. You can learn more about how we handle information by clicking here.