BITCNI - Carbon Literacy Training

Carbon Literacy is defined as: “An awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis.” BITCNI offer accredited Carbon Literacy Training

Business in the Community’s Carbon Literacy Training has been designed to raise awareness of the core elements of Carbon Literacy, as well as explore the opportunities, risks and challenges that climate change will present.

It is accredited to meet the Carbon Literacy Standard, verified independently by The Carbon Literacy Project.

The training typically consists of one day’s worth of learning, delivered over several sessions using a combination of delivery methods, including live sessions and self-study activities.

The training is suitable for all levels of seniority, but we recommend that top management take part in the training initially. Online training adds the additional benefit of flexibility, allowing learners to progress elements at their own pace, at a time which suits them, as well as allowing greater accessibility to learning opportunities.

Key information

  • The training covers climate change, its causes and consequences, and taking action. More detail in training content and schedule is provided below
  • Participants attend one and a half hours training per week over four weeks of delivery, on Microsoft Teams
  • We expect one hour of self-guided study, to comply with the Carbon Literacy certification
  • The training is accredited, and each participant receives an individual certificate as proof of being ‘Carbon Literate’
  • 6-12 participants per cohort

Carbon Literacy Training Schedule

Taking part in the Carbon Literacy Training is a commitment of one and a half hours per week over four weeks. For further information email

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If the activity occurs during work hours and/or uses work resources, please make sure you have permission from your line manager.
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