Cancer Focus NI - Man Alive Project

Every year over 7,000 men in Northern Ireland are diagnosed with cancer (including about 2,150 who have the less serious non-malignant melanoma). That is a startling statistic, but our men’s health work can help you lower your risk.

Up to 40% of all cancers can be prevented with a healthier lifestyle. Our men’s health Man Alive project brings essential health messages and health checks directly to you in your community, encourages you to take positive steps to improve your health, and to talk to your doctor early if you have any concerns.

The Man Alive project provides:

  • Health promotion and awareness presentations
  • Self-development programmes
  • Volunteer training
  • Man Van mobile unit

Our Man Alive Man Van is a mobile service with specialist staff who give men’s health checks and one-to-one cancer awareness sessions at various venues including football grounds, sports clubs, leisure centres, workplaces, colleges and community centres – anywhere where men live, work and play.

Health checks available on board the Man Van include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Pulse
  • Blood sugar level
  • Carbon monoxide monitoring (for smokers)
  • BMI and a body composition analysis
  • Skin scanner analysis
  • Advice on improving health
  • Information on the early signs and symptoms of various cancers

For further information or to book the Man Van for your venue or workplace contact us on 028 9066 3281 or email

Click here to find out about our Keeping Well services and Health Checks.

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