Online Nutrition Webinar - Healthy Happy Kids: Healthy Eating & Mealtime Tips
22 October, 2020 - 12:00 to 13:00

Join us for these new, exciting nutrition webinars run by dietitians throughout Northern Ireland. Open to all!

This FREE webinar is an overview of healthy eating for primary school aged children (4-11 years old) for parents/carers who want to learn more about providing healthy and budget-friendly meals or pick up some new ideas to try!

No need to sign up but be sure to put the dates in your diary – you don’t want to miss them!


Password: 531965


For safeguarding purposes, participants should turn off their camera and audio during the webinars.  Please note any information shared in the Q&A/ chat facility may be viewed by others. Facilitators are not responsible for individual participants throughout the webinar.