Wiring Positivity into the Brain
Wiring Positivity into the Brain
Thursday 9th February 4.00pm – 5.30pm
Renowned Psychotherapist Jan Montgomery will deliver this webinar.
This webinar is built on the work of Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist, Martin Seligman, psychologist and Christopher Hansard, Tibetan Bon practitioner.
We will learn about the brain's natural negativity bias and learn how to redress the balance. This webinar teaches participants basic brain science to help understand how everything we think, feel and do is shaped by our brain. We can use this basic knowledge to work with our brain to shape a more positive future for ourselves and others.
• Brain science everyone can understand
• Appreciating the brains natural negativity bias
• Learning techniques to develop a more positive brain
To register click link:- https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wiring-positivity-into-the-brain-tickets-478002888507