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Introduction to Mindfulness – 6 week course with Anne Costello Mindfulness
3 October, 2024 - 16:30

Join Anne Costello who has a unique background in Wellness and Mindfulness for this 6 week introduction to Mindfulness Course.

Mindfulness is a world recognised tool for coping with stress and anxiety when life becomes difficult. It helps us develop more insight into our emotions so that, instead of being overwhelmed by them, we are better able to regulate them.

During the course we will be touching lightly on the following topics:

• What is mindfulness and its benefits.

• Pausing practices to help with focus and concentration.

• Sitting meditation and the body scan meditation.

• Mindful walking.

• Mindful eating.

• Mindful yoga.

• How to work with difficult emotions.

• Mindful communication.

• Self -compassion and self- care.

Participants will be expected to attend all sessions and do some personal mindfulness practice in their own time. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 30 participants.


Course tutor: Anne Costello who is the founder and CEO of Anne Costello Mindfulness. Anne’s training comes from the Jon Kabat- Zinn Centre for Mindfulness in the US and she designs bespoke mindfulness programmes for business, education, and the voluntary sector with a focus on Resilience training for senior teams. Her clients include Diageo, PBNI, Allstate, Liberty IT, the Bar Library, Queen’s University and the Education Authority.

Course Details:- Introduction to Mindfulness – 6 week course

Commencing: October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and November 7th and 14th

Time: 4.30pm – 5.30pm

To register for this event please complete the registration to the right of this page


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