Hidden Harm Awareness for Education Professionals
22 October, 2024 - 16:00

Hidden Harm Awareness for Education Professionals – 22 October 2024

This course is aimed at those working within a school or other educational setting (e.g. teaching staff, classroom assistants, youth workers) who wish to become more aware of the impact of parental substance misuse/parental mental ill health (“hidden harm”) on young people. By the end of this course, attendees should be able to:

• Understand why people use substances and how addiction and dependence can develop

• Understand what hidden harm is, its prevalence in Northern Ireland, and its impact on children/adolescents

• Identify ways you can support a pupil affected by hidden harm

• Identify factors supporting the development of resilience

• Identify local drug/alcohol services

Duration: 3 hours

Delivered: via Zoom

Facilitator: ASCERT

Date: Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Time: 4.00pm – 7.00pm

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