EA is committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated fairly and with dignity and...
The EA currently have 409 staff on our Mental Health First Aider network. The Mental...
With so many people in need our charity partners are looking for support via Payroll...
For further advice and support please contact the Disability Employment Support Service (...
This document explains how statutory annual leave entitlement is to apply when a teacher...
This policy includes advice on the monitoring of teacher absence reported as sickness...
This scheme applies to teachers who adopt a child from within the UK or overseas (subject...
This document explains entitlement to parental leave. To view the document, click the...
This scheme applies to all teachers to provide leave to care for their child or support...
This scheme applies to all eligible teachers to provide leave to care for their child or...
This Teachers' Maternity Leave Scheme has been updated to reflect the rules concerning...

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