Stroke In Younger People

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke

Stroke is often considered an illness of old age, but many young people are affected too. It is estimated that a quarter of all strokes occur in people under the age of 65. Every stroke is different, and each stroke survivor will have different problems and different needs. Medically the effects of stroke are the same no matter what age you are.

The way in which you might be affected depends on where in the brain the stroke happens and the nature of the stroke. If you are older the effects are more likely to be complicated by other age–related illnesses. A younger person may also be more physically fit before the stroke and this will help in recovery.

However, coming to terms with having had a stroke can be particularly difficult for younger people, who may not have any history of illness and certainly did not expect something so sudden and serious to happen. For more information see the NICHS Stroke in Younger Adults Support page.

Useful resources

With 25% of stroke survivors in Northern Ireland under 65 years of age, our Young Stroke...
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