Superfoods Don’t Have To Be Super Expensive

Healthy Diet

Many of us use the start of a new year to kickstart that healthy diet we have been putting-off. However, the price of nutritious food can be a barrier for some.

Non Fatal Strangulation- information leaflet

Women's Health

There is information on help and support available to all victims of this crime at or by using the confidential 24 hour domestic and sexual abuse helpline: 0808 802 141

What Are Cost Of Living Scams?

Cost of Living Help / Money Troubles

Criminals are cashing in on the rise in cost of living by using various scams.

Halfords January 2024 Sale

Workplace Health

Save up to 47% on a new bike & accessories.

To find out more and for how to apply, SCAN THE QR CODE in the file attached

Veganuary: Vegetarian, Vegan & Plant-Based Diet

Healthy Diet

A plant-based diet is based on foods that come from plants with few or no ingredients that come from animals. This includes vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and fruits.

Dry January 2024

Alcohol Guidance

Take on 31 days alcohol-free with Alcohol Change UK for a total body and mind reset.

Reclaiming Rest: Getting Kids’s Sleep Back On Track After Christmas

Sleeping Better / Family Health

The joy and excitement of the holiday season often come hand in hand with late nights, festive activities, and a break from the usual routine.

The Psychology Behind Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Mental Health / Get Fit

Making those all-important New Year’s resolutions is easy – but sticking to them can be a different story.

Getting Into The Savings Habit In 2024


We’ve all been told it’s good to save, but what exactly are you saving for and where should you save it?

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