Learning About Money By Age

Managing Your Money / Family Health

You can start to teach children about money from an early age. Children as young as three-years-old are ready to learn the basics.

October 2023 Newsletter

Workplace Health


Please see attached below our Staff Health and Wellbeing October Newsletter

If you have any questions please get in touch by emailing healthandwellbeing@eani.org.uk

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: What Increases My Risk?

Cancer / Women's Health

Each year, about 55,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK. It is more common in women who are aged 50 and over.

Money Skills: Shopping Trips With Children

Managing Your Money / Family Health

Taking children shopping is a great way to teach them skills that will help them manage their own money as they grow up.

They can learn: 

Seed Gathering: Why It Matters For Wildlife & Conservation


As the leaves begin to turn and the air grows crisp, signalling the arrival of autumn, it’s also the start of seed gathering season for The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)!

Relationships At Work: Top Tips For Managers

Mental Health / Workplace Health

Relationships and the workplace conjures up an image of stationery cupboard trysts and forms for HR that declare that two colleagues are ‘an item’.

Sleeptember: New Parents & Sleep

Sleeping Better

Ask any new mum or dad want they want and the answer will be a good night’s sleep!

Mortgage Advice - Recorded Information Sessions

Managing Your Money / Cost of Living Help / Money Troubles

First Time Buyers & Co-Ownership

Mortgage & Remortgage Advice

How To Find The Top Savings Accounts

Managing Your Money

Want free money? Simply move your savings to a better interest rate. It’s usually very easy, risk-free and you’ll be quids in.

How to boost your interest rate

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