BITCN - Environmental Awareness e-Learning

Environmental Awareness e-Learning, in partnership with Legal Island, is a digital training course for employers and staff that provides an introduction to environmental issues, and helps everyone contribute to reducing the environmental impacts of their organisation.

The topics covered applies to all employees at any level in the organisation and offering this training is an excellent way for organisations to demonstrate their commitment to the environment. By the end of the course, participants will understand:

  • What is meant by ‘the environment’
  • The key issues facing the environment today and how these are being addressed
  • Their role in tackling environmental issues in the workplace

This course will take no longer than 60 minutes to complete, including an assessment, and each member of staff will receive their own personalised certificate upon successful completion.

The standard rate of the course is £30 + VAT per staff member.  For BITC member organisations, this is reduced to £20 + VAT. For more than 250 staff members, a reduced rate will be applied.

For more information or to request a quote, please contact

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