Corporate Charity Policy
The Education Authority (EA) is delighted to launch its first Corporate Charity Policy which is aimed at empowering staff to give back effectively to charitable initiatives in line with EA values.
‘Giving Back’ is an integral theme in EA’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the organisation has a long history of charitable giving amongst staff.
The new Corporate Charity Policy intends to enhance EA’s corporate social responsibility activity by supporting all staff to ’Give Back‘ for the benefit of all in the Education community and beyond. The policy outlines the Key Governance Requirements, Assurances and Actions that should be attached to all authorised charitable activities undertaken by EA staff either within the organisation or on behalf of the organisations with the aim of reducing an individual’s or the EA’s exposure to unnecessary risk.
EA staff are encouraged to give back as part of the organisation’s wide charity campaigns and other more localised appeals. Research from the New Economics Foundation and NHS suggests that acts of giving and kindness are associated with positive mental wellbeing. Giving to others and co-operating with them is shown to stimulate the reward areas in the brain, creating positive feelings. Helping and working with others can also provide a sense of purpose and feelings of self-worth.
Staff wishing to coordinate a charity activity affiliated to the Authority must read EA’s Corporate Charity Policy before completing a Corporate Charity Activity Request Form and submit to the EA Charity Sub-Committee for consideration. This can be done at any stage of the year.
EA’s dedicated Charity Sub-Committee will consider all corporate charity requests and promote these throughout the organisation where appropriate. The Charity Sub-Committee will act as a link between corporate staff and the Health and Wellbeing Champion Committee.
If you would like to know more about the Charity Sub-Committee or wish to join colleagues as part of the committee, please email
Please note that school-based staff seeking to undertake charity activities within a school setting should refer to the relevant school’s existing contacts and processes.