Lena (by Inspire)

At one time or another we can all feel overwhelmed. At times like these, it may be helpful to speak with someone trained to listen who can offer advice, guidance, and a fresh approach.

Expert care, with you at the centre

The support available via Lena is fully independent and provides you with access to a range of mental health and wellbeing interventions, including:


Hyundai Affinity EA Staff Discount Scheme


The Hyundai Affinity scheme gives you, and your immediate family, access to exclusive deals across the entire Hyundai new car range with savings of thousands off a new car.

You and your family members can save up to 13% off a new Hyundai through the Hyundai Affinity Scheme.

Proof of employment such as a payslip will be required at the point of order.

This scheme is available through all NI Hyundai dealers.

Follow the link below for further information

Payroll Giving

With so many people in need our charity partners are looking for support via Payroll Giving now more than ever. During these unprecedented times charities are even more reliant on regular donations from their supporters.

Join us and make a difference through Payroll Giving. Your donation will go to whichever cause YOU would like to support.

EA Link Disability & Carers Staff Network

The disability and carer staff network will:

LGBTQ+ Staff Network

EA’s LGBTQ+ & Friends Staff Network is to: 

EA HealthWell Hub Poster

Please find the attached EA Healthwell Hub Poster.  

We would encourage you to print off the attached poster and display on your staffroom noticeboard and share with colleagues who may not have direct access to emails.

Mental Health First Aider Support

The EA currently have 409 staff on our Mental Health First Aider network. The Mental Health First Aiders are based in a range of schools, locations and Directorates across the EA to offer workplace support for anyone who is going through some form of mental health issue.