Anxiety UK - National Participation Group Volunteer

Opportunity open till: 
Nov 29 2023 - 9:00am

Our national participation group is a group of volunteers who volunteer their time in a variety of ways, helping with tasks such as:

  1. Undertaking book, app or other product reviews
  2. Attending events
  3. Contributing to media requests
  4. Providing feedback on new or existing Anxiety UK services


It has been a wonderful experience being a part of the AUK participation group. I have written some books reviews, and there are also opportunities to speak to a broader audience on anxiety and how to destigmatize it. ~ Paul Gurney, Anxiety UK Participation Group Member

I joined Anxiety UK Participation to contribute to a cause that I care about, make a difference and use my skills in a productive way. The task I particularly enjoyed is beta testing and reviewing applications ~ Grace Sanusi, Anxiety UK Participation Group Member

I have loved all of the tasks I have been a part of so far, it helps me learn more from a professional point of view and also makes me feel good to know that I am helping other people with anxiety.  ~ Gemma Lupton, Anxiety UK Participation Group Member

Apply for opportunity

Interested in this service? If so you should contact the provider and let them know.
Information provided when you complete the above form will be shared with the volunteer opportunity provider to help them respond to your interest. You can withdraw your interest by contacting the volunteer opportunity provider. You can learn more about how we handle information by clicking here.