Cost Of Living Payment

NI Direct

A cost of living support package has been put in place that includes one-off payments to those on income related benefits, disabled claimants and pensioners. These payments are intended to provide support to you with the current rise in the cost of living.


You may be eligible for one, or more, of these Cost of Living Support Payments if you get certain benefits or tax credits. You do not need to do anything to apply. If you are eligible (or if you are found to be eligible at a later date) you’ll be paid automatically in the same way you receive your normal benefit payments or tax credits.

These additional cost of living payments will be made separately from your normal payments. They are not taxable and will not affect any of the benefits or tax credits you get.

You could get up to three different types of payment depending on your circumstances on a particular date or during a particular period:

  • a Low Income Cost of Living Payment, if you get a qualifying low income benefit or tax credits
  • a Disability Cost of Living Payment, if you get a qualifying disability benefit
  • a Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, if you’re entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment for winter 2022 to 2023

If you receive a Cost of Living Payment, but are later found not to have been eligible, you may have to pay it back.

Low income (means tested) benefits

You may get a Low Income Cost of Living Payment of £650, paid in two instalments of £326 and £324. To be eligible you will need to have been entitled to (or later become entitled to) one of the following benefits 

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit

Report a missing Cost of Living Payment

If you think you should have had the £326 low income payment, but you cannot see it in your bank, building society or credit union account, you can report a missing Cost of Living Payment to the office that pays your benefit.

If you think you should have received the £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment but you cannot see it in your bank, building society or credit union account, you can report a missing Cost of Living Payment.

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