Improving communication - top tips for parents

Parenting Focus

Communication skills are vitally important for both children and adults. Good communication between you and your child is of paramount importance for developing a positive relationship. Positive communication is key to building self-esteem and mutual respect, therefore the earlier you develop these skills the better.

Be available 

Make time to talk to your child without any distractions, even 10 minutes a day can make a big difference in establishing good communication habits. Turn off the TV, put away technology and spend some quality time together.

Be a good listener 

Listening to your child will help them feel valued. Ask your child about their day and how they feel. Active listening will help your child know that you hear them and understand what they are trying to say.

Be a good role model

Remember, children learn by example. Give your child eye contact when talking to them and speak clearly. Use words and tones in your voice that you would want your child to use.

Read with your child

Reading with your children helps to strengthen their vocabulary, knowledge, and understanding of the world around them. It also creates opportunities for you and your child to enjoy spending time together. It is never too early to begin reading to your child, and no book is ever too short.

Be clear 

Be clear and use age appropriate language. Remember your child’s  language level – try not to use words or sentences that your child will not understand.

Give praise

Praising your child is important and encourages positive behaviours. Praising children’s efforts will reinforce open communication and build self esteem. 

Useful resources

This scheme applies to teachers who adopt a child from within the UK or overseas (subject...
This document explains entitlement to parental leave. To view the document, click the...
This scheme applies to all eligible teachers to provide leave to care for their child or...
This document explains how statutory annual leave entitlement is to apply when a teacher...
This scheme applies to all teachers to provide leave to care for their child or support...

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