Coping With Exam Stress
Exam season which can be a very challenging time for both children and parents/carers. The pressure to revise and to perform well can be very stressful for young people. Parents and carers want the best for their young people and therefore exam pressure is also very concerning for them. BBC reported that education staff had told the Association of Teachers and Lecturers that children as young as six are stressed about exams and tests.
Childline released stats to say they have conducted over 3,000 counselling session with young people about exam stress in the past year, a 9% increase on 2014/15. Parenting Focus are very aware of the pressures on young people when it comes to exam time and hear from parents and carers calling the free Support Line about concerns around the effects this stress has on their young people and the family as a whole.
Here are some tips for coping with the stresses of exams:
- Try not to places pressures on the young person for obtaining the top grades to avoid them fearing failure.
- Reassure your child that there are always other options and ways to move forward regardless of exam performance.
- Remind your child to take regular, short revision breaks away from the books or the computer and get some fresh air or physical exercise, preferably with another person.
- Encourage them to eat well and have snacks whilst revising.
- Give them space and time to study but let your child know you are available and will make time to help them with revision if they want or need it.
- Be relaxed about chores, untidiness or moods during revision and exams.
- Encourage good sleep to maintain their energy.
- Be supportive when it comes to any worries your young person may have.