What Affects My Treatment Options?

Prostate Cancer UK

Your treatment options will depend on whether your cancer is contained within the prostate gland (localised), has spread just outside of the prostate (locally advanced) or had spread to other parts of the body (advanced).

You may have a choice of treatments. Your doctor or specialist nurse will explain all your treatment options, and help you to choose the right treatment for you.

Your treatment options and which treatment you choose may depend on several things, including:

  • how far your cancer has spread (its stage)
  • how quickly your cancer may be growing
  • the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment
  • what each treatment involves
  • the possible side effects of each treatment
  • practical things, such as how often you would need to go to hospital, or how far away your nearest hospital is
  • your own thoughts about different treatments
  • how the treatment you choose now could affect your treatment options later if your cancer comes back or spreads
  • your general health
  • how long you’re expected to live for.

The first treatment you have may affect which treatments you can have in the future, if you need further treatment. Speak to your doctor or nurse about this. It can help to write down any questions you want to ask at your next appointment. And to take someone to appointments, such as your partner, friend or family member.

It can also help to write down or record what’s said to help you remember it. You have the right to record your appointment because it’s your personal data. Let your doctor or nurse know why you are recording them, as not everyone is comfortable being recorded. 

For more information, follow this link.

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