Young People & Nutrition Survey

Family Health
Dietitians across Northern Ireland are currently in the process of planning some new and exciting Nutrition Webinars during January 2020, one of which is specifically aimed at our young people. If you are a parent/carer of a young person or you work with this age group, we would love to know what you want to find out about in this webinar by taking part in our Young People & Nutrition Survey 2020. If you would like to help, please follow the link which will take you directly to the survey and will only take a few minutes to complete. The survey will be open until Friday 11th December 2020. Link to survey: 

Family Health Useful Resources

This scheme applies to teachers who adopt a child from within the UK or overseas (subject...
This document explains entitlement to parental leave. To view the document, click the...
This scheme applies to all eligible teachers to provide leave to care for their child or...
This document explains how statutory annual leave entitlement is to apply when a teacher...
This scheme applies to all teachers to provide leave to care for their child or support...

Family Health Helplines & Web Chats

NSPCC - Helpline
Family Lives - Forum
ParentLine NI
ParentLine NI
Family Lives Forum